I made sure that I coppped 'The Outkast' as soon as it dropped, midnight a couple nights ago. This was actually convenient for me considering that I'm in Pacific time and it actually dropped at 10 P.M. So to be honest I was a little dissapointed at first listen of this tape. I was expecting a Outkast tribute and out comes a twenty -seven minute warm up. The rhymes seemed intelligent and up to par but the Outkast connection just wasn't there for me regarding the flow over the Outkast beats. Then I gave it a second more attentive listen, and realized it was one of the more intelligent tapes to come out in some time , and I would even feel comfortable saying it is in my top ten fav. mixtapes of the year. The third time I listened to this album I listened first to the original Outkast counterpart and then consequently played the Willie the Kid version. Some might take this as an unfair comparison of a comeup kid vs. a veteran group, but I saw it as a challenge and a compliment. Willie has a phenomenal repetoire and uses it wisely over these tried and true Outkast beats. Its also notable that Willie made his precence known in a mere 27 minutes. I give this tape two thumbs way up and if not done so already make use of the download below. I suggest first listening to the whole tape, but some standout tracks would have to be: Black Ice, Chonkyfire, Benz or Beamer, and Out of This World. One change I would make is placing out of this world last Willie tore that beat up and had the whole Outkast feel on it, incredible.
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