Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Your Aunt's Whip...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
On A Lighter Note...
Curren$y - King Kong from Creative Control on Vimeo.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A Little Disappointed...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Illa J "R U Listenin'"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Slicker Than Most. R.IP. Guru

As I am sure everyone is aware Keith Elam better known as Guru passed away on 4/19/10. Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal, "Guru" was a wordsmith in the greatest sense, and also a cornerstone of modern day rap. I remember, I started listening to Gangstarr because I had heard they originally started in Boston. And for the longest time I told everyone this was so. By the time I had learned the truth, that the group had actually started in NYC I was able to look past my misconception and truly become a fan of Guru and everything he did. I also can clearly recall the day I listened to Guru's Jazzmatazz Vol. 1. I literally dropped my jaw after listening to it in its entirety. I could not believe live jazz and rap could run so freely together. It's a sad day just realizing that one of the most influential artists in the game is gone for good. My prayers go out to his family and friends.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Serendipity Flow...

I've been meaning to do a write- up of the Kid Daytona for quite some time now. This is one "kid" who's doing his thing and needs more people to notice. Right now, I hear all the opponents trying to claim his styles recycled maybe even borrowed. Well I can honestly quell all of these thoughts. Daytona is a throwback to more lyrical rappers such as Mos Def and Talib Kweli, or even Curren$y (little different, but still lyrical). Just listen to the production value on Daytona's mixtapes. Now granted all my readers know I am an established backpack rap fan. But the fact remains you don't have to be a gangster or fake gangster for that matter to make good music or sell records. We as listeners need to rally behind rappers like Daytona and help them revive the dying genre that is rap music. In addition to bringing a lot to the table himself he also works with a few established artists. Such as Bun B, Double-O, and 6th Sense. To get yourself started on some Daytona I suggest first downloading "Come Fly With Me" followed by his previous EP "the Daytona 500". Songs to start off with include but aren't limited to: Air Born, Flava Season, The Pit Crew, and The Wings.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Time For Some Amateur Videos...
Monday, March 8, 2010
New Young Money Member...

As you may or may not have heard there was a new member added to Young Money, today. Cory Gunz was announced to be the new member, by Lil Wayne via Ustream. I have on major problem with the fact that Cory is going to Young Money. Well first actually more upset at the fact that he's such a slept on artist. Especially considering he is the son of Peter Gunz. The main reason, however, that I'm upset about this announcement is due to the fact that no one on the Young Money label shines besides Drake and Nicki Minaj. Take Curren$y for example how long was he with Cash Money and Young Money and barely anyone knew he was. The only reason you would is if you saw him featured on a track with Weezy. Now that Curren$y is off Young Money he's making major moves. Hopefully some good comes out of this, at least with the move he's getting some more coverage. So good look to Cory Gunz over at Young Money now, do your thing.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Diggin' Through the Crates...

Was looking through my records for some inspiration. I know my writing has been pretty terse lately but I promise to get some dope stuff up soon, maybe if I get motivated enough, today. Anyways I was cruisin' my records when I happened upon a single from Mic Geronimo that came out in 1996, "Unstoppable". It's a sick little number and brought me back to his hirst underground single "Shit's Real". Mic Geronimo is a completly underrated MC and never really got appreciation for the nice tunes he was putting out. So here at the GrindStoned we are listening to Mic Geronimo all day, today. As should you.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Cover Idea...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Music With Expressions...

The kind of music that can match and intensify any kind of mood. That's the first thing that comes to mind when listening to the wonderful and soulful music of Lee Fields and the Expressions. To be honest I can't stop listening and it's been that way for months. Not that I'm complaining it's such versatile music with similar vocal quality to the likes of the godfather of soul (look it up if you don't know). Every listen makes you want to move with the music and just escape whatever it is your doing, one reason it's awesome for cardio at the gym. Besides that though it is a beautiful display of talent, vocal quality, and live instrument goodness. Once I had heard this group I could not imagine going back to not knowing them, I need this music in my repertoire. So please, please buy this album. I guarantee it will please you, if not I will buy this album from the first 5 discontent customers. You must come up with a valid excuse in at least 500 words. Seriously. So let me know what you think honestly and I promise I will hold true to this offer (Unless what your saying is blasphemy).
Monday, February 8, 2010
That New Spitta...

A new Curren$y mixtape dropped today ironically a day after the Saints win the Super Bowl. Who Dat?? At first listen I'm going to have to say I'm not very impressed. But hold up, don't give up on it yet I've only given it a half- assed listen so far. I think I was just mainly put off at the fact that Spitta did nothing new for Gucci's 'Lemonade' beat. One stand out track is Life Under the Scope but ya'll already have that because I hooked you up with the leak around a month ago another fly joint is '187 On a Beat'. So def. get some and I'll check back in at a later time and give it some real thought.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dope Video of the Day...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Who's Next To Shine?... Rumorz.

Rumorz is doing his thing and it looks like its starting to pay off. With two albums under his belt already ('The Whisper Campaign' and 'Crocodile Tears' both available on iTunes) his third attempt, 'The Souloist' is an awesome tape which truly displays raw talent. He had earlier problems with the business aspect of the rap game and is finally making up for lost time. Rumorz style is versatile and can be reminiscent of early Eminem (Slim Shady LP not Infinite) like in the song Remember the Name. Here at theGrindStoned we recently were able to get a hold of Rumorz and ask him a few questions:
Samson: First of all thanks for taking the time to answer some questions for theGrindStoned. Why don't we start off by you telling everyone out there who you are and where your from.
Rumorz: Sure, thank you for featuring me. I go by the name of Rumorz and I come originally from Stoughton, MA, which is a suburb of Boston. I now live elsewhere but still on the south shore side of Mass.
S: How long have you been rapping and what kind of progress have you made since 'The Whisper Campaign'?
RZ: I guess I started rapping at the very end of 8th grade where I used to freestyle with my friend Digits. The Whisper Campaign was completed my freshman year of college, and was basically my first real attempt at making songs and not just rapping for the hell of it. I’m now at the point where I want to make great songs with good concepts and having a fan tell me they were moved by a song I wrote means way more then eating other rappers does. Another big difference is my skills on the business side of things. My advice to anyone starting out is make sure you find balance between being a great networker and a great musician, because you are just running on a treadmill if you are missing one or the other.
S: What were your early rap influences and have they changed at all today?
RZ: First cd was Coolio, though I wouldn’t say he was a big influence on my style haha. I feel like I’ve drawn influences from all over the place over the years starting initially with Big Pun and Bone Thugs N Harmony. For a couple years I was big into Jedi Mind Tricks, and them along with rock music is what probably gave me my more aggressive sound. I’ve always been a fan of Eminem, that dude amazes me to this day. Delivery wise, Tech N9ne is unbelievable to me, and writing wise I look up to Lupe Fiasco and Joe Budden.
S: What kind of negative response have you had due to the fact your a white rapper?
RZ: Well there’s always the one or two clowns that mess it up for every other white rapper. Someone hears a guy who isn’t true to himself and all of a sudden people look at you different when you say you rap if you’re white. It’s tough because I feel like people don’t take me serious until they’ve heard my music, which means I am constantly trying to prove myself. It doesn’t bother me, but it does suck when people are ignorant like that. Back in High School I dressed a little more gangsta so to speak and I ran into a girl making fun of another white kid who dressed similar saying he was a wanna be. When I confronted her and asked her about her thoughts of how I dress, she said “Well you can rap good, so it’s different”. It will never make sense to me…
S: Who would you really like to work with in the game right now, name a rapper and a producer?
RZ: Hmm… Well I’d have to say Lupe when it comes to rappers because I think conceptually we could make some dope shit. As for a producer, one guy I think is amazing is Pharrell and the Neptunes. Even though they might not match my style so much, they have a great understanding of what it is to make a great song. I am happy to work with anyone who is passionate about my music and truly wants to make a great record. I would also love to collab with The Black Keys. They are a blues-rock group who recently did a sick project with Dame Dash.
S: What kind of problems have you had trying to make a name for yourself on the Boston rap scene?
RZ: The Boston scene is a funny thing man. I’ve been in New York for the last four years with school, so these last few months since I’ve graduated are my first real attempts at building a buzz around Boston. There are only 3 or 4 dope rap producers, and only one guy who runs all the promotions for rap shows around here. I’ve been trying to make my own path doing shows at more underground spots and trying to build a solid fan base instead of sucking up to some of these other dudes just to get in the scene. I enjoy performing where people are there for the music, so that is the scene I look to conquer, whether that is Boston, New England, or wherever they’ll hand me a mic and the stage.
S: I really like how your music has progressed. I feel that 'The Souloist' is your best work as of yet what kind of changes have you made to bring your game to the level its at today?
RZ: Thanks that means a lot. My mentality has definitely changed. I can’t stress enough how much I want to make great music, I’ll let the other dudes fight over who is the illest and got the most swag or whatever. I just want to create songs and concepts that people can relate to and vibe to. That change in attitude along with working at my craft has been a big factor. I also started incorporating this type of “almost-singing-but-not-quite” style that I use a lot for hooks now (I have no official name for it yet haha). The Souloist is a preview of where my sound is going and the prequel to Souled Out Show, my next album which should drop sometime in the spring.
S: What are you currently working on?
RZ: Souled Out Show and also a few different projects. Me and fellow Stoughton rapper Grafite are working on a project together and I am also working with a live band called Mean Monsoon. The band is very new, but it’s dope. It’s got that rock-rap vibe to with a little twist. Both those projects will be something to look out for near the end of 2010.
S: Any shoutouts?
RZ: Yeah. Shout to DJ Ill Will, Kp of, Mix Master Maize of and Shake from 2dopeboyz. Their support is what is helping spread the word and get the name out. And shout out to anyone who has ever suggested my shit to someone else… You’ve got good taste. Haha.
Download Link Below Player, Make Sure To Download
Keep your eye on this dude he's building his own niche in the game and it looks like he's here to stay.
Spread the Word.
Friday, January 29, 2010
6th Sense Mixtape Yo....

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Album Cover...

The Kidz In the Hall's new album cover and track list was released today for their upcoming 'Land of Make Beleive'. Looks dope, can't wait for this to get released. Keep you updated on album happenings and any leaks that might come out. Also stoked because they've also got some ill artists featured such as the Kid Daytona and Chip the Ripper.
Official Track Listing: 1) Intro 2) Traffic 3) Flickin 4) Out To Lunch ft The Kid Daytona 5) Bougie Girls ft Russoul 6) Jukebox ft MC Lyte 7) L_O_V_E 8) Will II Win ft Marsha Ambrosius 9) Take Over The World ft Just Blaze & Colin Munroe 10) Fresh Academy ft Chip Tha Ripper & Donnis 11) Simple Life ft Amanda Diva 12) Running ft Tim William 13) Do It All Again (I AM) 14) I AM (Reprise) 15) Rise & Shine ft Russoul |
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Throwback Wednesday... Or Censoring At It's Best!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Worth a Look
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
All About... Goose.

Monday, January 11, 2010
Choose Your Own Adventure...

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Deja Vu...
If you listen closely to the lyrics you will hear a few stolen (borrowed of course.) lyrics.
Ya Dig.
Hand to Hand...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
nas the cook?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Hip- Hop With Soul... Or A Breath of Fresh Air(Take It In)...

After hearing Common's last release I was seriously doubting whether rappers like Talib Kweli had clout in the game anymore. But oh how wrong I was, and in this case I am ecstatic about being wrong. Talib and Hi-Tek just put out another Reflection Eternal Album called Reflection Eternal (the RE: Union) and after just finishing it I am thoroughly impressed. The truth is I feel like these two artists have been pretty stagnant in the rap game while others are just desecrating the paths they paved. Well here's the 'RE: Union' literally. With only one listen under my belt I can already tell this tape has numerous listens in store for me. So drop whatever your doing (seriously) dl this tape and give it a listen ASAP, because it's got mass appeal from Hip- Hop heads to radio junkies.