So I've been jamming out to Goose's "Homeless In Hollywood" for a few weeks now. Every listen is better than the last with dope beats that range from upbeat and rapid fire like 'Diamonds', to laid back but intense lyrical content like 'AgreeDisagree' its got something for every occasion. I also like how Goose doesn't limit himself to a singular flow style which enables him to rhyme on a plethora of different beats. At theGrindStoned we expect to see some big things from Goose he's a talented artist who seems to have his goals in order and knows how to attain them so keep your eye on this guy.
Recently i was able to catch up with Goose and ask him a few questions. This is what transpired:
Goose: My name is Goose and I am originally from Syracuse, New York, but relocated to Orlando, Florida around 1999. So, I am officially a Floridian!! I can’t complain I love the weather!
S: So where did the name Goose come from?
G: Well, that’s funny because I get that question a lot. When I was about 8, people used to tell me that my lips where not proportion to the rest of my face because my head was so small lol… So, people said I look like a goose! I took a negative and turned it into a positive lol.
S: Is “Homeless In Hollywood” your freshman attempt?
G: As far as putting a body of work together, yes this is my freshman attempt, but not so much as recording and getting music out. I’m still learning how to put an album together and I look at it as writing a essay, you have the thesis, the body and the conclusion, but everything has to relate to the title; so that’s my approach.
S: Have you had any response from labels that have heard Homeless In Hollywood?
G: There has been an overwhelming response to it, but I’m at the point where I want to perfect my craft before putting it out to the mass public. I have to love my work more than anybody else before I feel comfortable enough to release it on a national level. So, I’ll let the labels sit and wait for a while. Hopefully not too long though lol.
S: What year did you get in the game and what kind of struggles have you had to overcome?
G: I came into the game around 2006. Coming into it, there’s a lot you have to learn and there really is no book you can read to teach you about handling all of what comes with this industry. When its money involved, its 90% business and 10% talent and I had to learn the hard way. In order for me to accomplish my goals and make the music I wanna make, I gotta make sure my business is intact. There’s a lot of broke talented people out there, and I don’t wanna be one of them, lol. Like every inspiring artist, you’re gonna have your trials and tribulations, but I believe consistency is the key to success so as long as I have that mentality, I can’t go wrong!
S: Do you think that being featured on the Madden 07 soundtrack progressed your career any further than if you hadn't taken part in it?
G: Yea and No, I think it progressed my career in terms of showing me that this is attainable. It gave me confidence and sparked motivation in me that I’ve never experienced before, especially because I, along with the other artist on that record, was the first unsigned artists to be featured on the world’s best selling video game. In that same since, I don’t think it helped my career or put me ahead of the game because I didn’t have a strong structure, as far as a team is concerned, to capitalize on that opportunity, I didn’t have the follow up material and the push to use that situation as a stepping stone to make people pay attention. It was kind of like I was on the soundtrack and then musically you didn’t hear from me no more. I was working and planning an attempt but I didn’t have a strong foundation. But it’s all good; I’ll make up for lost time, lol.
S: Any videos in progress? I'm sure your fans would love to see that.
G: We working on something but I cant give away all my secrets, lol My fans will have to stay tuned and I can assure you that they will be pleased with what’s about to come. 2010 is gonna be a good year.
S: Has living in either Florida or New York influenced the way you rap?
G: Of course growing up on the Southside of Syracuse influenced me, from Mobb Deep to Nas to Jay-Z to Wu-Tang, but living down south I can appreciate artist like T.I. and Jeezy. Both sides have influenced my music and opened up my ear.
S: What artists have you been digging lately?
G: Probably Drake and Kid Cudi, I’m with the new school lol!
S: "Homeless in Hollywood" seems like a pretty introspective album. Have you recreated yourself at all in the past couple years?
G: Well. “Homeless in Hollywood” is about finding yourself in the face of adversity and accepting who you are. So yea, I can honestly say that I put out a record and it’s full of emotion and passion. I don’t think I recreated myself within the past few years because I’ve always been me. When I did the Madden thing, I had material that was talking about the same things I am right now but I can say that as an artist I have evolved and matured and my material keeps getting better with time.
S: One last question, how do you plan on setting yourself apart from all the other freshman artists surfacing right now?
G: That’s an answer that you would have to ask my fans! lol I think the music speaks for itself. I don’t know if that’s a good answer but everyone is doing really well right now. I know there’s something different about me, I just can’t put my finger on what it is lol.
A couple songs by Goose:
Some Quotes from "Homeless in Hollywood":
"Peace and tranquility gets thrown out the window, stuck between where you going and what you've been thorugh." 'Dear World'
"I'm a star in the making,a king that ain't been crowned yet, a lost child in the woods and I ain't been found yet." - 'Dear World'
"You've Heard of rappers with a grudge, well imagine its on drugs, when I was laying flat you should've pulled the plug." - 'Reloaded'
Free Mixtape Download
And look out for Goose's next release, "This Is Goose" dropping on March 1st!
Ya Dig?
That was tight son! Watch out cuz goose is on the loose! Looks like a great freshman artist that is definitely on the goose train to a sophmore level artist! Pull ova let me git on the GOOSE TRAIN!
yoooooo i used to hear sick songs on the 07 soundtrack of madden but never knew it was Goose..
thats a dope ass track
This dude goose seems like a real down to earth cool dude. his music it hot too. all and all the questios asked and the responses are really modest. Good Luck to goose and good look Grind stoned for posting it
When is Goose's freshmen album coming out? ill def have to check it out...It def seems like he has learned and been influenced by a lot of good artists but at the same time he has his own style...its def good to hear new stuff
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